– Share Photos on your Twitter Account

How to Share Photos on Twitter on Your PC :

Twitter is known as a miniature contributing to a blog website. Publishing content to a blog has been around for quite a while. Generally contributing to a blog comprises of individuals setting up essential sites where they expound on anything they desire, regardless of whether it be legislative issues, sport, cooking, design and so on Posting a message is known as a tweet. Individuals make associations by following others’ twitter channels. When you click follow, anything that individual or association says will show up on your course of events.

Retweeting is likewise a major piece of Twitter. This is the place where tweeps, shoptalk for individuals who utilize the site, rehash tweets from different clients to their own adherents. A ton of action on Twitter includes the utilization of hashtags. These are handles used to total tweets about a similar subject. For instance, if a many individuals were going to a gathering and needed individuals to know what the speakers were saying they would tweet to a concurred hashtag by utilizing the # image followed by the concurred name.

Twitter Login:

  • To share photos on Twitter on your PC go to the webpage
  • Next at the center-right side of the screen you will get three options Google, Apple, and Sign up with phone or email.
  • For signing in click on ‘Already have an account? Sign in’ tab.

twitter photo share

  • You can sign in with Apple, Google or phone, email, and username.
  • Complete the login procedure.

How to Reset Twitter Login Information:

  • Visit the web address using the URL
  • Click on the ‘Forgot password?’ tab.
  • Provide your account email, username or phone number click on the ‘Search’ button.

Sign Up with Twitter Account:

  • Copy and paste the Twitter URL to visit the page
  • Now choose from the three options and for a phone number or email option.
  • Add your name, phone number, date of birth click on the ‘Next’ button.
  • Follow the page instructions after this to complete the registration process.

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Twitter Photo Sharing Process on Your PC:

  • After logging in you have to visit the website
  • Next, click the blue feather icon in the top right corner of the page to compose a new tweet. You will see a pop-up for composing a new tweet.
  • In the bottom left corner of the pop-up, click the ‘Add photo’ button. A box will pop up for you to choose a photo from your computer storage.
  • In the pop-up box, choose the photo you want to share and click the “Open” button or double-click the photo.
  • Enter description to your photo in the tweet box.
  • Now click the ‘Tweet’ button to publish your tweet.
  • After this you will see the recently made tweet on your timeline.
  • You cannot edit the tweet but share the same through retweeting. You can even use the reply button to correct your words or to add something more if you wish to.
  • You can also like the post or share the link to other places or social media places.

Tweeter Customer Information:

You can send a mail to @TwitterSupport.

Reference Link:

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