Entertainment is known as one of the finest provider of coupon books , savings, discount, online coupons, gift giving and many more. If you have recently purchased an Entertainment book, then you have got a membership card with it. After you get the card you have to activate it, and it will give you member-only perks. You will get so many benefits from Entertainment, and you have to take advantage of this great offer.
Benefits the Entertainment Book membership card
- After the activation you will get to save more
- You will get 75000+ buy-1-get-1 and 50% discount
- You will get to save more than so many rewards
- Get to enjoy savings on so many movies, travel, attractions, shopping and so on.
- You will get the savings on your phone
- You will get regular email alerts on discounts, saving tips, entertainment promotions.
Activate Your Entertainment Book Membership
To activate the membership, you have to sign up for the online account on their official site. The things you require for the activation are,
- The access code
- Your email address
To go to the page, you have to follow the site, member.entertainment.com/custom/save/now/jsp/content/pages/login.epi
After you their official site, you have to scroll down the page a little until you see the Account Sign Up and Account Login options. Once there, you should enter your email address and access code in the blank fields on the left-hand side. After entering the information, you have to click on ‘Sign Up’ in orange block. .
After you sign up, you have to log in from the right side, and inputting the details, you will be able to activate the card.
Logging in to the account
To log in you have to go to, member.entertainment.com/custom/save/now/jsp/content/pages/login.epi
Here you have to scroll down and towards the bottom, you will get the login boxes at the right side. Here, you have to input the email address, and the confirmed password. After inputting the details, at the right bottom side click on, ‘Login’.
Forgot username or password
If in any case, you have lost the login details of Entertainment, then you have to go to the login page, and here just under and at the left side of the password blank, click on, ‘Forgot password?’. For this, you have to input the registered email address, then check the validation box and press on, ‘Send recovery email’. Do follow the prompts after this and you will be able to get back the detail.
Customer service
To contact Entertainment you need to send email to, mail@entertainmentbook.com.au. Or you can can call on, 1300159707.