– Activationg Guide for Virgin Atlantic Credit Card Online

Activate Virgin Atlantic Credit Card and enjoy the rewards:

Do you love flying to different destinations? What if these flying can bring you rewards that can be used for other amazing purposes? Virgin Atlantic can make such dreams come true.

What is Virgin Atlantic:

It is a British airline and is a trading name of Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited and Virgin Atlantic International Limited. It has its head office in Crawley, England. This airway is founded by Richard Branson in the year 1984 but was originally planned by Randolph Fields and Alan Hellary The best thing about them is that they provide Virgin Money Credit Card that can earn you rewards every time you fly, and these rewards can be used for many purposes.

Virgin Atlantic Credit Card Benefits:

The ones who avail the Virgin Atlantic to fly and want to avail high earning points to earn virgin points can qualify for this card.

This card offers an amazing amount of points were on spending £3,000, you can 30,000 points in your first 90 days. These points are of great valuation as according to TGP’s current valuation of virgin points, these points worth £360. With every penny you spend, you are awarded 3 points to it.

You need to pay an annual fee of £160, but with the points, you can earn through your traveling, you can definitely cope with that amount of money.

What you are supposed to do with these points:

  • You can use the points to get yourself a gift card or for someone else.
  • If you have already made any purchase, then you can erase it within 90 days, and the money will be credited to the account.
  • You can even share the points with someone with whom you hold an account.
  • You can use the points for a cash amount which will be credited to your account.
  • You can use the points for your next flight for a trip and you can choose the destination according to you.
  • With a huge amount of points, you can upgrade your seat to a premium or upper class.

You need to follow the total of three steps to complete the whole procedure:

  • You have to set up your account – register to create an account.
  • You have to download the app
  • Then you need to add your credit card – after opening the app, you have to enter the mobile number linked to your card and follow the prompts for the activation procedure.

Now, we know how we can be able to use these virgin points, so it is important to learn the detailed activation process if you have received a card. Keep all your card details handy, because you will need them during the activation.

  • The first thing is that you need to go to the activation web page using the link
  • Now when you are on the activation page, you need to follow two essential things – Download the App | Manage Direct Debit.


virgin atlantic credit card activate


Downloading the Virgin Money Credit Card App on Android – you need to activate the credit card for which you need to have the app. Follow the instructions-

  • On you android mobile, go to the Play Store and search for the app by typing its name of the Search
  • After you get the Virgin Money Credit Card App, you have to tap on it.
  • Then on the next page, click on the Install button, and wait for it to be installed.
  • Once the app is installed, you can come back to the home screen and click on the app present on the menu.

Downloading the app on the iOS Device – these are the steps to be followed for the ones with an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad –

  • First, you need to go to the App menu of the iOS Device and go to the Apps Store.
  • Then you need to search for the Virgin Credit Card App by typing the name on the Search tab.
  • Upon the app being displayed, click on the app.
  • On the preview page, tap on the Install tab and wait for the installation process.

Now the app is installed, let us move further with the procedure

  • After the app is installed, you need to go to the activation page using the link
  • When you are prompted to sign in on the app, make sure to do it. You need to enter your 16 digit number present on the card and click on Continue.
  • Now, follow the onscreen prompts to complete the activation procedure, and then the card can be used to make purchases and payments.


Also Read: Login to your Belk Rewards Credit Card Account


Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. What will happen if my card don’t get activated?

Ans. A new card will be sent to you prior to the expiry date of the previous card. If the card doesn’t get activated, it will stop working, and there will be no purchases made from it.

Q. How will I activate my card?

Ans. 1. You need to login the activation page at


  • Use the Virgin Money Credit Card app –
  • You first have to go to the profile screen and select Manage Cards.
  • Then select the Flyers Credit Card and follow the prompts.

Q. What am I supposed to do with my existing card?

Ans. After you have received your new card, you can securely destroy your old card.

Q. How can I withdraw the cash from the Virgin Money Credit Card?

Ans. The cash can be withdrawn from the ATM /EFTPOS machine using your Virgin Money Credit Card and your ATM PIN.

Q. What to do if my card is stolen?

Ans. You have to go to the My Virgin Credit Card app, then select the Profile, and then Manage Cards, then select your Credit Card Account and select the Report Card Lost or Stolen and follow the prompts.

Q. How shall I apply for a card?

Ans. It is a very easy procedure. All you have to do is select the card you want to have and then click on Apply Now. If you have all the information then it would take few minutes for the approval and you can have the card within 10 working days.


This article provides you with all the steps required to complete the activation procedure of Virgin Money Credit Card

Still, if you are not satisfied with the guidelines, you can always contact them in their customer support helpline number – 13-37-39. They are available for 24 hours, i.e. you can call them at any time you want.


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